





OC Bylaws



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OCC April 2024
Oʻahu County Committee, 4/20/2024.


May 10, 2025 Convention
O‘ahu County Democrats

at Keʻehi Lagoon, Weinberg Memorial Hall
in person only

According to County Bylaws (sec. 12.1.1): The business and purposes of the County's Annual Convention in odd-numbered years shall be limited to and dedicated to the following work relating to Oʻahu County:
  1. Elect county officers and region chairs;
  2. Consider and vote on changes in the County platform and County Bylaws; and
  3. Consider and vote on resolutions that relate specifically and exclusively to Oʻahu County issues and the work of Oʻahu County Committee and its committees.

[See OCD Bylaws Sec. 12.4 for the description of the convention's "delegate body"]

Delegates will please register online via ActBlue here. Or if you wish to register via USPS, download, print and fill out this form.

Use this form to apply for membership on one of the three convention committees (i.e. Rules, Platform, or Resolutions).

Proposed Convention Standing Rules for consideration at the March 1, OCC meeting

Proposed Convention Committee Rules for consideration at the March 1, OCC meeting

More information will be posted here, as it becomes available, so check back regularly for updates.







Article IV of the Constitution of the Democratic Party of Hawaiʻi establishes Oʻahu County Democrats as the County Organization of the Democratic Party of Hawaiʻi. Between our County Conventions, the affairs of the Oʻahu County Democrats (OCD) are subject to the Oʻahu County Committee (OCC).

Oʻahu County's Special & Standing Rules & Procedures

Additional Procedures and Special Rules for Online Meetings Using ZOOM

While all are welcome to attend meetings of the Oʻahu County Committee (refer to our calendar), the voting body is limited to the 35 District Council Chairpersons, the 9 Regional Chairpersons, the Oʻahu County Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and the two Oʻahu County Representatives to the State Central Committee of the Democratioc Party of Hawaiʻi. Proxy Voting Instructions for Region & District Council Chairpersons. For more details refer to the Bylaws


We, the members of the Oʻahu County Democratic Party, united in common purpose, dedicate ourselves to the core principles of the Democratic Party of Hawaiʻi.

As the people's party, it is our mission to create opportunities for free and open political dialogue in regional and district communities to promote civic engagement, political action, and community solidarity. And, as a servant of the dreams and aspirations of Hawai‘i's people, we acknowledge that if we wish to lead, we must listen and be open to being transformed by what we hear. Moreover, if we ask for the people's trust, we must in turn trust the wisdom of the people.

To do this effectively, we understand that we need to activate, mobilize and empower party members, and revitalize our county organization for the challenges ahead in the 21st century. Through a re-energized county organization, we will endeavor to bring together members of the party, elected officials, interested citizens, and community leaders to build a cosmopolitan society that will manifest the Aloha Spirit at its core and in every facet of community life.

Democratic Party of Hawaiʻi
Oʻahu County Committee
P.O. Box 1793
Honolulu HI 96806-1793